Do It For Your Real Life

Why do we practice Yoga? It’s a decent question to ask why we do anything– and make sure we have a really good answer. Are we doing something because it’s trendy, someone told us to, or because we think we “should”? Or are we doing something because we believe that is serves us on a high and enduring level?

For me, Yoga isn’t some fad exercise trend or egoic athletic pursuit– Yoga is a companion for real life and longevity.

And I’m not alone in this assessment! I’m a big fan of this guy Rich Roll– Rich is an ultra endurance athlete, wellness expert, and all-around amazing guy. I recently listened to his amazing and self narrated memoir audiobook. Rich also has a podcast, and recently interviewed Kelly & Juliet Starrett who combine their expertise in physical therapy and athletics to work with the highest performing athletes (think the NFL to the Marines). What was amazing though was that in that episode they discussed how to live a long, pain free life. And their answers didn’t cite cross fit or marathon running or anything really in the “athlete” arena. The tenants that they all agreed really matter were flexibility, mobility, and stability. I’ll give you one guess what accomplishes all 3… Yoga!

In Yoga– flexibility, mobility, and stability combine to create practices for real life and real pain that actually work.

Right out of college in my early 20’s I started experiencing tension headaches– these spiraled into neck, shoulder, and full back pain before I finally received the diagnosis that I have scoliosis (curvature of the spine). You hear a lot about chronic pain and not being able to do even daily tasks as we get into older eras of life– but I hadn’t even turned 25 and was having trouble getting groceries and doing laundry. One day at my ad agency job I was presenting in a big meeting, dropped a piece of paper on the floor, and was unable to pick it up. I was in the trenches and tried everything– from a slew of medical doctors, to chiropractors, to physical therapists. I felt like nothing gave me the actual tools I needed to manage and thrive in my day to day life.

Until I found Yoga. Yoga provided relief from my chronic pain and it also empowered me to understand my body and how I could take better care of it in everything that I do. I learned how to safely do backbends, forward folds, twists, how to safely support my own body weight in various positions. I learned to observe all the little patterns and cheats that had kept me in injury spirals. I began to see that Yoga isn’t a series of random fancy body shapes, its a highly thoughtful and even scientific system designed to support the body outside of the Yoga studio, in real life. First I found relief, then reverence, then devotion to this practice and the way that it genuinely helps people.

So the reason I keep doing Yoga? I don’t do it because its trendy or I want to look a certain way, or to prove I’m any sort of athlete. I do it so I can support my real life.

Carrying in the groceries, doing laundry, being able to get up and down off the floor, putting my shoes on, sitting for extended periods, cleaning the house, lifting a suitcase, reaching for a passed plate at the dinner table. If you want support for your real life too, I’m here for you. I believe in Yoga for all bodies and ages, and I’m ready to share the secrets.




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